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General groups (46)
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BlockChain TLD (11)
Geographical zone (515)
Europe (118)
Latin America (83)
North America (33)
Asia (124)
Africa (107)
Oceania (22)
Middle East (32)
Language zone (293)
English-speaking (145)
French-speaking (57)
Spanish-speaking (67)
Arab-speaking (40)
Geopolitical zone (160)
European Union (66)
OECD (74)
Mercosur (26)
ASEAN (31)
new gTLD (576)
General (60)
Business (17)
Community (23)
Computers Internet (19)
Construction / Housing (15)
Culture Art (18)
Defensive (9)
Economy Business (179)
Education (15)
Fashion Cosmetics (12)
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Food (14)
Geographic (64)
Government (8)
Health (15)
IDN (40)
Media (12)
Personnal / others (28)
Professions (23)
Real Estate (13)
Shopping (40)
Sport (24)
Travel / Leisure (43)
Brands (13)